Coaching Resources in Schools

Jasmine Miller Coaching Consultancy Coaching Resources in Schools

There are a number of different coaching resources out there and it can be a bit daunting knowing where to start if you are considering purchasing resources for your school. When introducing coaching resources into one of my schools it was important that they were visual and easy to use for pupils and staff.

Founders of Double Bubble Coaching company and fellow coaches - Emma Jones and Louise Pollock, understood the importance of ensuring 'pupil voice' in learning experiences and have created resources that promote this. The BOpeepal cards and the Tree of Me resources promote communication and wellbeing in schools. Double Bubble products have been designed to work in both one-to-one or group settings. They are perfect for discussing with a child how they are feeling around events they have been involved in.

Both BOpeepal cards and the Tree of Me are equally powerful when used in a classroom setting. The PSHE Association's Programme of Study for Key stages 1-5 has identified 10 key principles for effective practice in PSHE education and produced guidance on the key principles of effective prevention education. The aims of PSHE education is to provide pupils with:

  • Accurate, balanced and relevant knowledge

  • Opportunities to turn that knowledge into personal understanding

  • Opportunities to explore, clarify and if necessary challenge, their own and others' values, attitudes, beliefs and rights and responsibilities

  • Opportunities to develop positive personal attributes such as resilience, self-confidence, self-esteem and empathy.

Double Bubble Coaching resources are fantastic tools that provide a simple, easy to understand way to meet these aims. They are suitable for a wide age range of children, adolescents and young adults. They provide ways to explore and understand common situations that many children encounter but still find hard to cope with. By learning to really understand events it becomes easier to make helpful and informed decisions about how to respond. By working through issues with these products, teacher gain a much clearer understanding of how the pupils they are working with really feel.

Visit their website be clicking on Double Bubble Coaching below.



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